No time to write the cosmic dust article right now. Since both of my parents are working on my birthday, they are deciding to do everything tonight. I should have it up either late tonight or tomorrow, the new poll will be up in a couple of minutes.
I have also spent most of the day messing around with Firefox 4, which just dropped. I am enjoying it so far, just a little bit to get used to. I do suggest the Omnibar add-on if you get it though. That is probably the only Chrome feature I have really enjoys and am happy to see it implemented in Firefox.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Delayed Cosmic Posting
5:31 PM
Astronomy Pirate
Waiting (and winning).
Happy birthday! Also, I've been meaning to check out FF4. Thanks for the add-on tip.
Happy birthday...
I'm checking out FF4. Have a good time, and happy birthday in advance.
Enjoy the celebration. can't wait to hear about the cosmic dust.
haha Happy Birthday!
yeeeeeah. My cosmic dust suggestion got the most votes! sweet.
Happy birthday man!
Happy Birthday!
have fun on your birthday :]
eeeeeey happy birthday man!
happy birthday!!!
Where can I DL ff4? I have downloaded 3.6 a few days ago. What are the big differences? Is it faster?
I linked to the firefox page in my post. Or you can just type in and it should take you there.
Everyone else, thanks for the birthday wishes. I'm beat. I'll just make the Cosmic Dust my normal Wednesday post.
Happy Birthday! Is firefox 4 faster than chrome though?
happy birthday!!!
yeah firofox 4 out that i will get as fast as i finish this comment ^^
ff4 is nice i love it
motherfuckin Popsicles bitch
Hope you had/have a great birthday!
Comodo Dragon FTW! drop firefox
Look forward to your post! Happy b-day btw! Just being supportive :)
firefox 4 is out? yeaaah going to try it
It seems I missed it but, Happy Birthday! (also, Firefox 4 rocks)
I like it too, I said it like 10 times on other blogs but, it's very chromish, more simple and more friendly user.
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