Friday, May 6, 2011

May's Astronomy Day

Tomorrow is Astronomy Day. The first of two throughout the year, the other is on October 1st. Astronomy Day runs on the slogan "Bringing Astronomy to the People." I had mentioned the event in this month's Highlights.

Around the world local astronomical societies, planetariums, museums, and observatories will be sponsoring public viewing sessions, presentations, workshops, and other activities to increase public awareness about astronomy and our wonderful universe. It is a way for the general public and various astronomy enthusiasts, groups and professionals to interact. You can learn more from your local astronomy club or planetarium, or by visiting the Astronomical League's website.

I will be giving my 'Life in the Universe' presentation to a youth group from the Space Telescope Science Institute, which I am pretty excited about. And the astronomical society that I am a member of, the Harford County Astronomical Society, will be hosting it's monthly open house. Which will include a presentation from the Society's President Tom called "The Sun, the Outer Solar System and New Planet Discoveries." These kinds of events are happening all over the world, so if you have an interest in astronomy, I really suggest you check them out. Plus they are FREE.

The Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower also continues this weekend. So if you go out, you might get a chance at seeing a couple of meteors streak across the night sky! 

In addition to that, Mother's Day is also Sunday, so I hope you all treat your mothers nice. Maybe take her to dinner or get her a card or tell her you love her or something. Have a good weekend and word to your mother.

P.S. There might not be any updates this weekend since I'll probably be busy, see ya'll next week.


-E- said...

maybe i'll actually use the stellarium application on ubuntu.

Zombie said...

I remember I used to want to be an astronamist after going to the observatory as a kid. :D

Kicking Rocks said...

hurray for astronomy day!!

Elliot MacLeod-Michael said...

I'm gonna have to do something astronomically awesome. Maybe I'll eat a planet. But not a habitable one.

Anonymous said...

Gonna celebrate with beer and my telescope :>

Jay said...

happy astronomy day!

The Angry Lurker said...

Have a good weekend.

Dejch said...

ow didn't know that! good info and happy astronomy day ^^

Lucifer said...

happy astronomy day !

JayPower said...

Happy astronomy day everyone!! ;D lol

Solsby Kid said...

Ive been waiting for this day for too long!!

Dave said...

I just luv astronomy.

Kaneda said...

Oh thats today it seems... what should I do now? :D

The Happy Whisk said...

Very cool. Happy Astronomy Day.

m.m. said...

Wow, I like how it has two days! I think astronomy deserves it.

G said...

I'm going to get my old telescope down from the attic tomorrow and see if it still works

HiFi said...

If only there was a way to get people to be more interested in astronomy. Perhaps if scientific communities alloted more funds into marketing it could make a big impact. Very cool nonetheless.

RedHeadRob said...

I'm gonna try and gaze at the stars tonight now that I know :D reading it a day late worked out for me lol.

It's also free comic book day lol, what a great day!

Icepax_Nmir said...

interesting, i did not knew there was such a thing...

ed said...

sweet. i took an astronomy course once, i really dont know anything

mamtc said...

This is good. Know your universe on Astronomy on Saturday and thank your universe on Mother's day on Sunday.

Mike said...

I missed it :(

Speedy Ed said...

wow, i definitely didnt know that ;) thanks dude x

Minecraftblogger said...

I got my mother a big box of chocolates ;)

Unknown said...

"Bringing Astronomy to the People." I understand the sentiment but I instantly thought "getting people to look up" as an alternative slogan.

I'm always amazed that some people can look at the night sky without wonder and amazement.

Skimbosh said...

If I go to the planetarium, does that count as taking part of Astronomy Day?
Kudos on your presentation. I hope ya don't flub it, them youths can be a tough crowd!

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