Saturday, February 12, 2011


I am pretty excited about observing Saturn tonight. Hopefully in the next couple of days I'll have a picture to post from the club, perhaps even some video. And the weather looks to be good, it will be mostly clear, with some clouds around 1 AM. And a relatively warm 30 degrees. What the goal tonight is, is to resolve this massive storm on Saturn. That link shows probably what Saturn will look through the observatory's C14. The storm is that massive white smear on the northern hemisphere. It is several times larger then the Earth, and you thought you were having bad weather this winter. Here is an older close up taken by Cassini, taken on Christmas...

Friday, February 11, 2011


Possibly one of the best days of the week. I'm not really sure what to talk about yet, but I still wanted to make a post today. And my post last night was a bit lucid on the internet, but whatever. I'll try working to some ultimate point. There are a couple of things that I do want to say. I mentioned the NoteSlate late last night/early this morning, and I'm considering making that a Friday thing. That is, to mention some exciting gadget out there that looks interesting to me. No, I won't be getting paid to plug them or anything, I just think new gizmos are cool. On the topic of gizmos though, my mom just got a big one. Her van got old and in the recent snow storms, she hit a barrier and bent the axles, so she just got a new car today. A 2008 Honda Accord that pretty much has everything...


NoteSlate /// intuitively simple monochrome paper alike tablet device I just thought I would add this now. The Noteslate looks to be an incredibly handy piece of technology, and I'm wondering why it hasn't been done yet. It looks to be real, but we'll find out in June. And all the features it promises for just $99 would make it a powerhouse. Here's hoping its not to good to be tr...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Other Side

The last time I had gone into why I chose the 'Habitable Zones' part of the name for my blog. The connection to astronomy and astrobiology, two topics I am really enthusiastic about. Today, I am going to delve into the other side, 'the Internet.' And maybe try to build some obscure connection between them. There doesn't seem like much other then a cool sounding name. Obviously this blog is on the internet, and so are all blogs, that is the nature of a blog. They are all mostly run by people. And even those that might be bots had to be set up by someone, and sometimes people run multiple blogs. And outside of blogging you have social networks, news sites, news aggregators, message boards, search engines, personal websites, game websites, picture websites, and the list goes on. On top of that...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Plan

So I am still thinking about how to set this all up, it's a bit of a learning experience. And I also currently have no readers, so mostly I am writing to myself and future readers. I will probably start advertising my blog on Facebook and Twitter in a couple days, I want to write some content and post it. I think I have a decent layout to start and will always be willing to take suggestions and critique on how to change it. There are probably better templates out there too. I also want to get some graphics, like a banner or something. Anyways, I think the name is a good one too. 'Habitable Zones of the Internet'. It's supposed to pull to mind astrobiology, as in the habitable zone around a star and in a galaxy. The region where life is capable of inhabiting, something that is being searched...

And Now I Begin

So, this is my first post, and it is rather late. I have been fiddling with Blogger most of the night, and just wanted to at least make one post before I went off to sleep. I should probably put a little bit of an introduction as to goal of this blog. I want to use it primarily just to talk about whatever random subject I may want. And maybe take reader input and try to answer whatever questions or discuss whatever topics may be brought up. I do want to keep it a little bit active. Most I would like to stick to astronomical topics, what astronomers are discovering and space related current events. I have a special interest in astrobiology and astronomy outreach. But I also have a wide and varying field of interests, so don't be surprised to see some mention of computers and gadgets, music...

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