Sunday, March 6, 2011

Astronomy Clubs

Previously, when talking about telescopes, I had mentioned the value of checking out your local astronomy club for their knowledge and expertise. But astronomy clubs have a lot more to offer then helping you out with picking a telescope. These people can be extremely knowledgeable about the night sky and astronomy concepts. They are also pretty friendly and know how to put on a good show.

I definitely recommend checking out your local club sometime. If you have one. In my experience, it's fun and people enjoy themselves. It's always a great feeling when some one says 'WOW! I've never seen that before!' or something along those lines. Even when I first joined my astronomy club, I saw things I'd never seen with my own eye before. It's an amazing experience.

The best part, their events are usually free! Great free entertainment is hard to come by, and if you are looking for a date, stargazing is pretty romantic. Most astronomy clubs will host some sort of open house event where people can come out and enjoy what they have to offer. Usual these dates will be advertised on their website or in your local newspaper. A good place to see if you have an astronomy club near you, at least in the US, is the Night Sky Network. Internationally, I would say start with, but some of those clubs appear to be defunct, so you might have to follow up.


Grafted said...

Cool, I have one really close to me.

achunkypid said...

I love astronomy and your blog!

Jason said...

theres one at a park by my house i think. i'll have to go by.

DESTROYA3000 said...

Sound interesting!

Alphabeta said...

Maybe I should find out where my most local club is.

Chuck said...

oh sweet, I found a group about 20 minutes from where I live on Not planning a visit any time soon but was nice to read about the activities and school projects they're doing.

Robert Fünf said...

There's some within about 100 miles of me. While I do like space, spending that kind of money in gas isn't really in my budget.

llllollllll said...

I've really thought about this but for some reasons I haven't gone through with it.

ThingsIThinkAbout said...

There is a park and walkway at the lake near my house. Last summer, I would see a few guys with their telescopes set up on Sunday nights. They were from the local astronomy club, and were out giving people info and showing them a few things through the telescopes. It was really cool, and I was surprised to learn there was an astronomy club in my little town.

Chris said...

This is excellent info

Aaron M. Gipson said...

You are absolutely right in stargazing being a good date idea, I can attest to that personally!

Adventure Person said...

Great suggestion, I've never thought about visiting the astronomy club before :)

Josh said...

I love the students that run my school's planetarium. They're super quirky, and have a lot to say.

Break said...

I love astronomy, i hope the other posts are as interesting :D

Stef Pelgrims said...

Not much clubs here in belgium, or maybe hard to find ^^ tried looking once, but i guess google wasnt my friend

Unknown said...

no such clubs here

synoptixs said...

wish there were clubs like that around my area, I really enjoy staring at the stars at night, can't imagine looking at it through a telescope

baxxman said...

Have some clubs here. But I have an app for this, to find out the night sky. Not kidding

Anonymous. said...

I wishg I could afford to be into stuff like this :(

obi said...

great blog and im going to check out if there are any local clubs.

Polybius said...

sadly, there are no astronomy clubs where I live, or at least not ones that aren't for preschoolers

Melanie said...

i will have to find out!

Jesse Brooks said...

I should really get into this. But I suppose I would never really have the time. It's just that it's always been something that I've interested in.

Naturalscienceblog said...

I have a astronomy club located some kilometers away, maybe I will try it. I have been thinking of buying a telescope for a long time, but I got the feeling that it is better buying a good telescope (expensive one) rather then buying a cheap telescope, and it is hard to not know if it still interest me after paying alot of money on a telescope that may never come in use.

Christophe said...

For as much as I like astronomy, I'm really bad at showing it.
I should join one of these clubs.

The Governor said...

I actually used to be in an astronomy club way back when.

Astronomy Pirate said...

I feel bad for those of you without clubs nearby. And although clubs might cost fees/dues to join, going to one of their events is always great and usually free, unless its a huge star party or something. But club open houses usually are a good way to start. Then again, not all clubs might be be like mine and as willing to share with the public, unfortunate, but I'm sure they're out there.

G said...

Cool post - I've always fancied getting into astronomy from a photography point of view

Pago said...

Yeah I don't have one where I'm at.

Burger said...

Awesome thanks for the info!

Every Day said...

would be cool to see what they do. too bad there are non in this area.

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