Monday, March 7, 2011


Today's post is short and sweet, just a short infographic I find awesome and truthful.

Now, I may not hate every ounce of you, but I will think you are in need of a good learning experience. So, Carl Sagan Youtube Video Dump!

the Drake Equation:
Pale Blue Dot:
4th Dimension:
on Astrology:
Last Interview Pt 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
And of course the music video 'A Glorious Dawn':

I could go on and on, Youtube is full of these videos. You can easily fill your entire day watching them. Also, if you have Netflix, they have the Cosmos series available for streaming.


KB said...

That picture made me laugh. The sad part is that it's true! Society worships people who go and get drunk on TV, rather than people like Sagan who are actually do work to advance the human race.

Charles said...

Carl Sagan is a badass. thanks for the vids!

pizzafuckyes said...

I agree with your post

Meghan Moran said...

Carl Sagan is a cool dude.

Aaron M. Gipson said...

I think you probably brought up one of the biggest points I've been trying to make in a long time. The fact that Carl Sagan's work is only relegated to PBS reruns is one of the biggest travesties in American culture. I still read Cosmos whenever I get the chance, and even special ordered a Spanish-language version for my wife.

Chris said...

If you wish to create an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Alphabeta said...

Who dem peoples?
Who would win on my blog?
No contest. I would HOPE!

Unknown said...

i really dont know who the girl on the right is

Astronomy Pirate said...

Note: Carl Sagan is the guy on the left. On the right is the Snooki-beast of Jersey.

Malkavian said...

Carl Sagan was a very interesting man, the guy was an Astronomer, astro physicist, Cosmologist and Philosopher, heard his quotes? deep stuff man

Christophe said...

Is it safe to say that he got an entire generation of people interested in Astronomy?

GFTM said...

really cool links, ill make sure to have a watch! +follow

rndmg123 said...

do you hate me only a little if i knew both?

DESTROYA3000 said...

Pretty interesting

ebm93 said...

Haha, yeah. That picture is true.

Astronomy Pirate said...

@rndmg123, no, I wouldn't hate you at all. Inconsequential pop culture stuff is all over the place. It's hard for people to not at least hear of that dirt bag somewhere on the internet, TV, or in magazines.

Every Day said...

I don't know either of them. :|

Grafted said...

I honestly have no idea who that chick is.

Anonymouse said...

good vids, i have no clue who the chick is either.

Anonymous said...

What if I know that the guy on the left is Carl Sagan, and I have no idea about the girl on the right?

-inastateofblue said...

Nice set of videos, aha will watch when I'm done this school work ):

Anonymous said...

I know both...However, one is vastly different than the other haha...Great videos! They gave me goosebumps!

Josh said...

Starting the cosmos series now

Porfirio said...

haha o god! I hate jersey shore, even though I was born in jersey

Layman Researcher said...

Demon haunted world is my favoruite book of all time.

Anonymous said...

Haha, truth.


Snooki is nothing but a black hole filled with bronzer and juice head ejaculate ;)

Stef Pelgrims said...

isnt snooki like dark matter?

Astronomy Pirate said...

HAHAHAHA, Thundercat and Kim, I love you both right now. (You'll have to fight of my gf, kgp.)

Elliot MacLeod-Michael said...

You would have to hate billions and billions of people if that were actually the case. I know, he never actually said "billions and billions." But that is easily the best thing I've seen today. Followed.

Life Hacks said...

Snooki is annoying.

Hombre720 said...

I love the video of Snookie getting punched in the face. Also, Carl Sagan forever. :D

baxxman said...

Really nihilistic, like it

LiveTheBoss said...

1000% true. Reality TV is everything that's wrong with entertainment today.

PekkaK said...

I love the "Glorious dawn". First time I saw it I actually cried. I've been wanting to watch "Cosmos" for years now, but never had the time (excuses, excuses...)

Epicycle said...

Thank god you included the music video! haha

Jung said...

Know both, love both.

ThingsIThinkAbout said...

My buddy at work showed me this pic. It is sad that some nobody with nothing to offer the world is more rich and famous than someone who actually made a huge contribution.

Mike Yang said...

If you don't know who BOTH of those people are, you're either woefully devoid of education and curiosity, woefully disconnected from the rich details of human culture around you (even if they're idiotic details), or both.

Then again, maybe you just don't own a television, in which case you don't know who EITHER of those people are. You know, like the vast majority of your species.

G said...

Totally agree with you 100%...and actually had no idea who that chick was

Matt said...

GREAT POST!!!!!!! I agree 110010% with the sentiment. (I also didn't know who is on the right, and after finding out it's snooki, I actually care less than I did before I found out)

ScottD said...

I like Sagan. He always seems so relaxed.

Robert Fünf said...

Carl Sagan, and an Oompa Loompa? (Seriously. I don't know who the second person is.)

killerkun said...

I don't find carl sagan particularly important... maybe a little bit too overestimated, but that is just me

parasites said...

Carl Sagan was a genius. His lierature is amazing to read

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